This blog is a journal of all of the unexpected things about pregnancy and motherhood that I’m experiencing. It includes both the good and the bad and especially the experiences that I had never heard anything about, people didn’t talk about or maybe just rarely happens.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's hard to leave a happy baby

Today was the first day that baby was so happy to be put in the crib and it had to be at the nap time when I leave for my evening classes. It was so hard to leave her when she kept grinning her wide gummy smile up at me while all swaddled up in her sleepsack. It's much harder to leave my happy baby than my crying baby. I cried on the drive to class today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mastitis is no fun

Last weekend, I had a clogged milk duct in one of my breasts. It didn't hurt. It just felt like I was engorged but only part of my breast was engorged. There was also a little whitish colored bump on my nipple. I took a warm bath and hand expressed the milk out and was able to clear the duct and soften the part that was hard. This was on Sunday. On Monday the clog came back and I tried to get the milk out in the shower (didn't have time for a bath).

By Tuesday, my breast was infected. It was very hard, I couldn't hand express milk out and it was pink like an old bruise. I woke up feeling really cold with chills and thought, "oh no!" I'm getting sick. I wanted to beat this since we were headed to Hawaii in a couple of weeks so whenever baby slept, I slept. When I kept getting chills and feeling flush in the face (no fever though), I called my OB. They didn't call me back until the next morning, but I spoke to a triage nurse that evening and she prescribed some antibiotics for me. The chills lasted through the night, but by morning, I felt 100% better and could function to take care of baby.

Some fun details:
I had to take 7 days worth of antibiotics four times a day.
I took the antibiotics (Dicloxacillin - 500mg) after nursing so that baby would get less of it.
We still fed baby some probiotics to keep her digestive tract working.
To clear the duct, I nursed with infected breast first everytime.
For the first few days of infection, the infected breast would hurt so much after nursing that I couldn't cover it up for about 30 minutes.
One week later, I feel great, the breast is pretty much soft like before (not completely) and the little white bump on my nipple is gone.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

More than Morning Sickness

When I found out we were expecting, I was surprised to find out that there was a lot more to pregnancy and motherhood than I could have ever expected. This blog is my way of documenting all of the little surprises that I encountered.

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