This blog is a journal of all of the unexpected things about pregnancy and motherhood that I’m experiencing. It includes both the good and the bad and especially the experiences that I had never heard anything about, people didn’t talk about or maybe just rarely happens.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Online Baby Sign Language Dictionary

This website has a great baby sign language dictionary ( when you need to look up a word quickly!

For everyday signing, we use the Baby Signing Time videos available on Amazon

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I love this baby food and nutrition book

When Charlotte started solids, I checked out a bunch of books from the library to get ideas for types of food to feed at different ages and for recipes. One of the books I checked out was Happy Baby: The Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months. One of the authors is Dr. Sears, the author of a bunch of parenting and baby sleep books.

I ended up tagging so many pages in this book, that I bought a copy for myself.

I found the following pages very helpful:

On page 73, there's a chart that shows approximately how often babies need to eat when breastfed.

On page 75, there's a chart that shows approximately how much weight baby might gain.

On page 83, you can find some guidelines for breast milk storage.

On page 99, there's a chart that shows approximately how often and how much babies need to eat when formula fed.

On pages 160 and 162, there are sample eating schedules for a 7 month old and a 10 month old. I found these very helpful.

On page 176, the book discusses nitrates in homemade baby food and how long to cook different types of food.

Since Charlotte just turned one, pages 187 through 229 were particularly useful since there was a chart showing about how much protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, iron and calcium a one year old should receive and from which foods. The book also goes into detail in these pages about why each nutrient is important for baby's growth.

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